The occurrence Gabon BIDAF2020194USE dataset contains occurrence from Gabon. These occurrences are from the herbarium collections. These collections are numerous, and because of many botanical field visits, this results in piles of unmounted collections in which many species new to science are discovered each year. This demonstrates the need to conserve these collections, which will help facilitate access to specimens and their associated data. The National Herbarium of Gabon, through the BID-AF2020-194-USE project, has enabled data mobilization of these collections. This mobilization concerns the mounting of the specimens and their insertion in the collection cabinets. The occurrences recorded from these collections are the subject of this publication
此資源出現紀錄的資料已發佈為達爾文核心集檔案(DwC-A),其以一或多組資料表構成分享生物多樣性資料的標準格式。 核心資料表包含 7,981 筆紀錄。
此 IPT 存放資料以提供資料儲存庫服務。資料與資源的詮釋資料可由「下載」單元下載。「版本」表格列出此資源的其它公開版本,以便利追蹤其隨時間的變更。
Bissiengou P, Mboma R, Mba Nzuè M-T, Engone Obiang NL (2023): Occurrences of Gabon vascular plants. v1.4. Herbier National du Gabon. Dataset/Occurrence. https://ipt-gabon.gbif.fr/resource?r=ga_occurrence&v=1.4
此資料的發布者及權利單位為 Herbier National du Gabon。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.
此資源已向GBIF註冊,並指定以下之GBIF UUID: 44d6b38d-af49-470a-b03c-438b636d947b。 Herbier National du Gabon 發佈此資源,並經由Participant Node Managers Committee同意向GBIF註冊成為資料發佈者。
Occurrence; Specimen
- 元數據提供者 ●
- 出處 ●
- 連絡人
- Researcher
- Rue Bana Ba Kengue, Haut de Guégué
- +24166042163
- 連絡人
- Researcher
- Arboratum de Sibang BP 1156
- +24162461946
- 出處 ●
- 連絡人
- Researcher
- BP13354
- +24162045797
- 出處
- Researcher
- 連絡人
- Directeur adjoint
- Arboratum de Sibang
- +24162461946
Gabon, all areas
界定座標範圍 | 緯度南界 經度西界 [-4.062, 8.481], 緯度北界 經度東界 [10.833, 16.084] |
All vascular plants identified at the species rank are spread in 234 families, 1241 genus and 3110 species.
Family | Acanthaceae, Achariaceae, Adiantaceae, Alismataceae, Amaranthaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Anacardiaceae, Anagraceae, Ancistrocladaceae, Anisophylleaceae, Anisophylleaceae, Annonaceae, Annonaceae, Araceae, Araliaceae, Arecaceae, Arecaceae, Aristolochiaceae, Arthropteridaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Asparagaceae, Aspleniaceae, Asteraceae, Athyriaceae, Balanophoraceae, Balsaminaceae, Balsaminaceae, Basellaceae, Begoniaceae, "Begoniaceae, Bignoniaceae, Bignoniaceae, Bixaceae, Boraginaceae, Burmanniaceae, Burseraceae, Cactaceae, Calophyllaceae, Calophyllaceae, Cannabaceae, Cannaceae, Capparaceae, Cardiopteridaceae, Caricaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Celastraceae, Centroplacaceae, Ceratophyllaceae, Chrysobalanaceae, Cleomaceae, Clusiaceae, Clusiaceae, Colchicaceae, Combretaceae, Commaraceae, Commelinaceae, "Commelinaceae, Compositae, Connaraceae, Connaraceae, Convolvulaceae, Cordiaceae, Costaceae, Costaceae, Coulaceae, Ctenolophonaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Cyatheaceae, Cyperaceae, Cyperaceae, Davalliaceae, Dennstaedtiaceae, Dichapetalaceae, Dichapetalaceae, Dilleniaceae, Dioncophyllaceae, Dioscoreaceae, Droseraceae, Dryopteridaceae, Dryopteridaceae, Ebenaceae, Ebenaceae, Eriocaulaceae, Erythroxylaceae, Erytroxylaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Euphorbiaceae, "Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Fabaceae, "Fabaceae, Francoaceae, Gelsemiaceae, Gelsemiaceae, Gentianaceae, Gentianaceae, Gesneriaceae, Gnetaceae, Gnetaceae, Haloragaceae, Heliotropiaceae, Huaceae, Huaceae, Humiriaceae, Hydrocharitaceae, Hydroleaceae, Hymenophyllaceae, Hymenophyllaceae, HypE.aceae, Hypericaceae, Hypericaceae, Hypoxidaceae, Icacinaceae, Iridaceae, Irvingiaceae, Irvingiaceae, Ixonanthaceae, Lamiaceae, Lauraceae, Lauraceae, Lecythidaceae, Lecythidaceae, "Lecythidaceae, Lentibulariaceae, Linaceae, Linderniaceae, Loganiaceae, "Lomariopsidaceae, Loranthaceae, Malpighiaceae, Malvaceae, Malvaceae, Marantaceae, Marattiaceae, Melastomataceae, Meliaceae, Menispermaceae, Menyanthaceae, Metteniusaceae, Metteniusaceae, Moraceae, Myristicaceae, Myristicaceae, Myrtaceae, Myrtaceae, Nephrolepidaceae, Nymphaeaceae, Ochnaceae, Ochnaceae, Octoknemaceae, Olacaceae, Oleaceae, Oleandraceae, Onagraceae, Opiliaceae, Orchidaceae, Orchidaceae, Orobanchaceae, Orobanchaceae, Oxalidaceae, Oxalidaceae, Pandaceae, Passifloraceae, Pedaliaceae, Pentadiplandraceae, Peraceae, Peraceae, Peridiscaceae, Petiveriaceae, Phyllanthaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Picrodendraceae, Piperaceae, Plantaginaceae, Poaceae, Poaceae, Podostemaceae, Polygalaceae, Polygonaceae, Polypodiaceae, Pontederiaceae, Primulaceae, Pteridaceae, Putranjivaceae, Rhamnaceae, Rhizophoraceae, Rubiaceae, Rubiaceae, "Rubiaceae, Rutaceae, Salicaceae, Salicaceae, Salviniaceae, Santalaceae, Sapindaceae, "Sapindaceae, Sapotaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Simaroubaceae, Siparunaceae, Smilacaceae, Solanaceae, Stemonuraceae, Stemonuraceae, Tecophilaeaceae, Tectariaceae, Theaceae, Thelypteridacea, Thomandersiaceae, Thymelaeaceae, Triuridaceae, Typhaceae, Urticaceae, Urticaceae, Verbenaceae, Verbenaceae, Violaceae, Vitaceae, Vitaceae, Xonanthaceae, Xyridaceae, Zingiberaceae |
起始日期 / 結束日期 | 2000-01-01 / 2021-12-31 |
Gabonese biodiversity data are housed in several institutions and their availability is often problematic. To best support decision-makers and data users, data must be reliable and deliverable in appropriate formats. This requires a centralized, effective and easy-to-access database. In most African countries the few databases that exist are underused. For instance, specimen data are exploited by researchers only when they are planning field trips. As strategies to transmit relevant information on plant biodiversity to decision-makers are deficient, this project aims to mobilize biodiversity data and categorize them according to their utilization by local populations, their importance in conservation and their commercial use, in order to support their integration into policy and decision-making processes.
計畫名稱 | Mobilization and use of botanical data as decision-making tools in Gabon |
辨識碼 | BID-AF2020-194-USE |
經費來源 | JRS Biodiversity foundation |
- 發布者
- The occurrences come from collections of many botanical harvests carried out by the team of the Gabon National Herbarium and the partners through several research projects. Samples are then mounted, digitized, inserted and stored in the herbarium cabinets.
替代的識別碼 | 44d6b38d-af49-470a-b03c-438b636d947b |
https://ipt-gabon.gbif.fr/resource?r=ga_occurrence |